boost & Spark

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Welcome to the Blog

boost & Spark

For you, the desire to tune into what’s happening around the world is about more than just the fear of missing out.  As a socially conscious human-being, it’s important for you to stay informed, but unless you’re an investigative journalist, is it really necessary to be tuned into the 15 second news cycle, 24/7/365? You’ve […]

Boundaries Keep Us Safe : Technology Edition

Smashed Laptop Screen

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Anxiety and anger – they’re like two peas in a pod.  Two enthusiastic messengers waiting for the perfect moment to spring into action and start rockin’ and rollin’ through life.  Anger and anxiety are often depicted as the evil twins to the more welcomed emotions, happiness and joy.  And to make matters even more complicated, […]

Understanding the Connection Between Anxiety & Anger

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I don’t think that it’s impossible to learn how to manage life during moments of chaos, dread, and turmoil but it certainly takes a different type of energy and effort to push overwhelm out the door and invite in other feelings to the party with open arms.

3 Ways to Care for Yourself when Feeling Overwhelmed

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When someone is in the depths of feeling anxious, spontaneously striking a yoga pose is not going to cut it. There are so many different strategies and coping skills that are talked about to help manage feelings of anxiety and shouting commands like you’re speaking to Alexa or Siri, is not helpful.

“Relax” and 5 Other Phrases Not to Say to an Anxious Person

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Even though our global world has access to a lot of helpful information, many of us continue to hold on to outdated methods that have been passed around and down through the ages to discourage us from asking for additional support.

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Mental Health | Anxiety Edition

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You feel more like you’re drowning than swimming with ease and yet the façade of “everything is fine” is convincing enough to have no one recognize that you’re barely holding it together.

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover | The Paradox of High-Functioning Anxiety

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Toxic relationships exist but they don’t have to be permanent. Re-allocating time, creating space, and modifying our communication style, could be the right combination to shift your toxic relationship to a healthier dynamic.

3 Productive Ways to End a Toxic Relationship

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Whether you’re viewing the highlight reel of life via social media scroll or memory lane stroll, do you have any idea how your mind shifts from taking in data to pushing you into a self-criticism avalanche?

The Slippery Slope of the Highlight Reel

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Blending in doesn’t hold back the loud ‘inner critic’ that condemns you for saying this and not saying that. If we boil it down, being confident isn’t about standing out, it’s about being comfortable in your own skin.

5 Ways to Crush Insecurity

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designed by Elizabeth McCravy

brand photography by Alex and stock photography by unsplash &